1. Jira cloud
2. Company managed project
3. The error is - “we couldn’t save your changes”
Im willingly would share a screenshot of my workflow if it would help
Thank you for that additional information @Nissim Ariel
Is the project a Business, Software, or Service Management project?
Are you working with a Free or paid subscription?
Can you share a screen image that shows the error message?
1. Jira cloud
2. Company managed project
3. The error is - “we couldn’t save your changes”
Im willingly would share a screenshot of my workflow if it would help
Try this workaround for the issue you are encountering.
Other things to suggest is to try using clearing your cache and/or using a different browser to see if you get different results.
If you have a complex workflow with many different transition and functions along with app enhancements, you may want to look into scaling it down to identify what may have introduce this error.
HI @Nissim Ariel ,
Try what @Joseph Chung Yin mentioned. If that does not work, like mention earlier, you want to start with a simple workflow with a few simple status and steps and save it. If that works, build on it step by step and see what caused the issue. The idea here is to isolate the issue to identify what maybe causing this error.
Welcome to the community. I agreed with what @Trudy Claspill and @Benjamin stated.
After looking at your updated information, can you provide us more details on what changes that you are trying to change in the WF?
Are you the site/Jira admins? and lastly, is the WF (impacted one) used by just one project or multiple projects?
There are times that I have encountered similar errors when changing the WF, I ended up getting a copy of the WF in question, and then make the changes in the copied WF and reassign it back to the project.
Hope this also helps.
Best, Joseph Chung Yin
Hi, Its completely new. Im configuring Jira for our organization.
Im Jira admin as far as I know.
My goal is to make this WF to an Epic board in the project. were we see overview on our features.
Is the WF in question already in used for a given Jira project in the project WF configuration scheme? Can you access the WF (not from the project itself), but via the Clog icon sysmbol (Settings) >> Issues >> Workflows? If not, then you are not setup as the Jira admins.
If so, just take a copy of the existing WF first. Afterward, the WF will be in the "Inactive" stage, then make your changes to it.
Hope this helps.
Best, Joseph
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