Kanban backlog, stories and subtasks status

apa64 June 19, 2019

Should I have matching statuses for User Stories and Subtasks? Currently I am seeing greyed out Stories with their subtasks in the Kanban backlog "To Do" area when a Story with "New" status has subtasks with status "To Do".

I'd like the backlog stories ("New") keep to the backlog, with their tasks until moved to "To Do".

Then again, if the subtasks had "New" those would not be visible in board "To Do" column until explicitly moved there...


Background: I'm setting up a Jira Kanban board + backlog for a software AM team. The workflow is qute simple:

  • Epics divide work between responsibility areas: for example a Story about configuring an environment might be linked to Epic "Environments"
  • Stories match with our actual tickets/requests (size anything from 1 working day to dozens)
  • Subtasks are the tasks to perform to finish a Story.

Board column config below:

2019-06-19 16_07_52-Configure Board - e-3d-JIRA.png

Stories have statuses New, To Do, In Progress, Blocked and Done. Subtasks have To Do, In Progress, Blocked and Done (so the don't have New).


1 answer

1 vote
apa64 June 19, 2019

As a workaround I created a Quick Filter "issuetype != workitem" (our subtask type), but it's not optimal.

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