Let's get our easiest questions answered in this thread for users who are new to Jira! You can also create a separate thread for your newbie question by clicking on this link.
So the aspect of Ranking is specifically provide by Jira Software (Jira Agile in 6.x versions). So in order to Rank issues, you need to have Jira Software or Jira Agile, not just Jira Core. That said you can rank issues on a backlog of an Agile board. You can also adjust the rank of issues on the active sprints section of the board, but you tend to only see the issues already in the sprint there.
You can only change the rank in relation to other issues if both issues appear on the same board. What issue appear on any given Agile board is controlled by the JQL filter assigned to that board.
I would recommend checking out the Ranking an Issue - Atlassian Documentation to understand how to do this in both a Kanban and a Scrum board. Provided you can see the issues on this board, you should be able to click and drag these issues in the board/backlog to change their rank. Higher on board = higher rank AND bottom of the board = lower rank.
Hi Monique,
Provided you have a backlog view, all you have to do for ranking an issue is a drag & drop on it to the desired position.
Issues from your backlog are ordered this way to define the queue of "what's the next story that we should work on" as the top element.
If you are working on a large backlog and want to move an issue to the top|bottom, you may also right-click on the issue > Top|Bottom of Backlog.
The same can be achieved by selecting the issue and typing the shortcut s + t (Send to Top) and s + b (Send to Bottom).
Thanks @Ignacio Pulgar and @Andy Heinzer! I was in a filtered view (so didn't see a backlog button). Once I found and clicked a backlog button, drag-and drop worked.
The button I found:
@Monique vdB can you provide a list of default user groups in jira? Is there such thing as groups that are already created by atlassian?
Jira -> administrators, developers, users
I'm also a noob to Jira. I am irked by not being able to control rank in a list view - I like to see a number for the value of Rank. I think it is a trust issue - I don't "trust" that I can't see the rank! My noob brain wants to make a custom field...
I'm an advanced Jira user and administrator. Yes. But I ca'nt find the god forsaken advanced search box anywhere.
This is what I've tried:
This is happening with Chrome, and Firefox. Crtl-F5, closed all chrome and restart... etc... still stuck with no search box...
Can we go back to the old interface please?
Hi Luan,
It looks like for some reason your browser is blocking the search box. Here's how mine looks:
Are you using an ad-blocker maybe? You can try opening Developer Tools > Network in Chrome and it will show you in red why that area is showing up blank. But for me it still had the option on the right listed Advanced and I clicked on it and was able to use Advanced JQL to search.
We are rolling out the new experience to all users permanently, but you may still be able to disable it by clicking your avatar in the bottom-left corner and click Turn Off for Now. Note that not all users will be able to do this and soon it will be permanent for each instance.
@Shannon S, is there any estimate of when the new UI will become permanent? This will be important for admins to know so they can prepare their users (training, documentation, etc.). Secondarily, is the documentation for the new UI remaining up-to-date?
p.s. sorry to hi-jack the thread here.
Hi Jack,
We don't have an estimate at this time while we are still working on a few things. Newer instances will already come with the new look enabled.
The documentation does appear to be updated, but if you do find anything that is out-of-date for Cloud, please let us know!
To update everyone... this is actually a bug with our (and "a handful other") JIRA Cloud instance. Jira Support team turned off a setting for our instance and the page is working fine for me now.
Hi Luan,
Can you provide the URL to the bug that the support team provided you? It will help others who run into the issue so they can vote on the bug.
Hi Luan, As you're expert in jira, can share details how I'll start to work on this please? I'm eager to learn about jira.
i have simple doubt in jira db, is there a option to clone the gadget ?
Hello Raghavendra,
It is not possible to clone a gadget at this time.
Have a look at this feature request:
If it interests you I would recommend that you vote on it and watch it so you can be updated of any changes. It will also help if you want to leave a comment there with your usage case.
Kind regards,
How can I move multiple issues on a kanban board from colloum to colloum without a bulk change?
It seems like ctrl- or shift-clicking and drag'n'drop should do the job, but the issues simply, stubbornly and infuriatingly snap back.
This is most likely because the target column you're trying to move things to is only for a status that the issues you're trying to move currently cannot transition directly to yet.
For example if your workflow looks like this:
New -> In-Progress -> Done
And you do not have a transition from "All" to Done, or a transition from "New" to "Done" then you won't be able to drag issues from "New" across to "Done."
In my case I have "All" to Done transition configured. But can't do the transition of two or more issues in Kanban board. Is it possible or not (Jira 7.7.1)?
@Junio FernandesIt has nothing to do with the JIRA version. Do you have the transition permission?
Filter is shared with the project. I have full permission in the project (create, edit, transition, move, schedule, etc).
There's no special condition or validation in the workflow. I can transite one by one and I can bulk change all the issues listed in the column. Despite this, it is not possible to do so on the board.
Can you please send a screenshot from your board configuration after hiding sensitive information?
Thank you so much for all the screenshots, You don't have a transition between the 2 statuses.
hmm weird!!!!
Yes please go ahead, I am sure it must be some minor configuration that I am missing right now. However i will take a look again later.
@Junio FernandesI noticed something on the board which is strange you have the column as "In Progress" but the Status itself is "To Do"
IS everything else working properly? Can you move issues? even the other column has a "Done" with "In Progress"
It's right. Our workflow steps has many "Done" and "To do" according the time the issue is in. Those are only colors and does not affect the transition between then.
Are you able to move the tickets from any other statuses to these 2 columns without issues?
Answering directly, no. Because one of them has only one possible direct transition. But the other may come from any other statuses. As I said before, me and other users can do this by bulk change.
I tried to transite tickets from other statuses that should work but I hadn't success.
Can you please send me a screenshot of the diagram workflow?
I did it, on thursday.
Highlighted, the three involved statuses and their transitions. The first receives from "All". The second, only from the first. The third, again, from "All".
Then there is something missing since you have all transitions go to the "Lista de Teste". Are you a JIRA Admin?
Ok, thank you very much for your replies. I'll go for support to catch what I'm missing.
Yes definitely!
If you can keep us posted with the issue behind it, it will be greatly appreciated.
What about your JIRA Software License?
From support:
"It's available on cloud. This is not possible yet on server", but have an open suggestion to this: As a user I want to be able to drag & drop multiple issues in work mode; sadly, since 2013.
I am trying to establish a roadmap for my business using JIRA portfolio, with initiatives > epics > stories > tasks.
I am planning on building the plan from the bottom up, with the tasks dictating the length of stories, and rolling up from there. The tasks are going to be personal objectives for individuals within the company.
My question is, if they want their personal objectives to span 1 year, but it is not 1 year's worth of work, how do I represent that on JIRA? I am using time tracking, not story points.
For example, a task's duration may be one year, but within that year, only 7 days of work are required.
If you were just using vanilla Jira I would recommend you to use due dates to indicate the target date for completion. Your estimation is a totally different thing, so present it through time tracking fields as you mentioned it in your question above.
To represent the baseline of your plan in Portfolio, you can set the target start and end dates (available as custom fields in the scope view of your plan) as baseline dates. You can do this at all levels of the hierarchy. As a result, you can display the target schedule in the graphical representation of your plan.
Thanks very much. If I have an estimation of 8 weeks of time, for example, and 1 week of work is logged each month across 8 months, will it show graphically as 8 x 1-week long sections? Or will it just show as one block of 8 weeks?
So far I have only created plans using JIRA, I haven't yet used them with the whole company logging work, so I'm not sure how it will show.
Many thanks
This picture shows how it looks:
The brackets represent the target schedule (the baseline) while the bars represent how portfolio calculates how it will end up in the plan.
If you break down the work into smaller tasks, you can plan those separately and more specifically in the timeframes you have in mind. If you have a single task (epic, ...) that you use without further work breakdown at lower hierarchy levels, Portfolio's scheduling algorithm will schedule it in a shorter timeframe.
I am a new JIRA admin and I want to create a subscription to a Filter for a User that is not part of any group. In the Subscription setting there is no option to simply add a User, only groups. If I log in as the User I can add a subscription to the Filter but this seems clunky. Is this really the best way to do this?
I would recommend sharing the filter to everyone and ask the users to subscribe as per their convenience. Subscribing a filter should be users call since it sends notifications to users email account .
My workaround was to create a new User Group specifically for Report Filters and then add the User to the filter.
Cool. But, I thought you wanted to enable filter subscription.
Glad to know that you could manage it internally.
Can someone help with this - When a person is the Assignee, that person becomes listed as the Closed By person when the ticket is closed, even if someone else actually closes it. How to fix this so a person's name shows up as closed by and not the assignee's name.
Hi @Bhumi K,
you can set a condition for the close transition in your workflow:
"Only assignee" - with such a restriction, the user has to assign the issue to her / himself before closing the issue.
Why not use the condition in the transition to set assign it to the person transitioning it - or otherwise change the 'closed by' field. Is that possible?
@Monique vdB, I’m getting a bit confused by this thread and wondering if it wondering off track from the original intent? What is the goal here ultimately and are we on track with that goal? It may be that collecting the basic questions and answers into an article would be a good end? Note it could certainly just be me that is confused. :-)
Second this, @Jack Brickey and @Monique vdB. The thread is quickly losing focus.
Might be a great idea to have a frequently asked or hot topic kind of digest, I guess.
I added a separate link in the initial post so users can create new questions. The purpose of the thread is to encourage brand-new users to participate in the New to Jira space. Of course now it's trending on the homepage so....
I think turning the Q&A into an article is a great idea! Hopefully we'll get some more basic questions.
@Jack BrickeyI think it's funny that once people actually start to ask 'Basic JIRA Questions' then all of a sudden the thread is "starting to lose focus".
What is the point of a thread titled 'What's your most basic JIRA question' if people can't ask their questions? Granted there are some posts here that probably should be directed to QA Support, but overall I think there are some pretty decent contributions being made.
@James Gill, I hope my post was not misconstrued. I was just simply confused. To me "basic question" seems like a label/tag. I like clear concise threads for Q&A. I'm unsure how a thread w/ a collection of disparate Q&A actually ends up being searchable later. Again, this is all just an opinion and we know what they say about those ;-). Too this thread is a "discussion" which certainly lends itself to more free form. I certainly, don't mean to suggest anything that would stifle effective collaboration.
Loosing its focus - I think, what @Walter Buggenhout meant (and I do agree) that the thread is getting confusing, too many different questions coming up in a single thread and it is hard for others to find an answer, if they have a similar question.
@Monique vdB - maybe you can point to the newbie-question-space in a similar way as you promote articles?
Spot on @Thomas Schlegel; that's exactly what I meant. But, to support @Monique vdB on the experiment - it will put the spotlight on the space.
Is there any negative impacts to converting a pointed subtask to a story in a different sprint?
oops, will create another thread
Hi all,
New as well!
can you help me with :
Thank you in advance!
The one thing I can think of is creating an advanced search of your parameters. Sometimes getting that advanced search that includes all your detail can be a challenge, but if you are new the best way to learn is to create a filter using the basic search and then converting it to Advanced to see how it was done.
Then once you have it created and saved, you can then export the filter which can be viewed in Excel however will need to be maintained in order to keep up to date.
Or create a dashboard that focuses specifically on the information you wish to see. If you do choose the dashboard route, you can see the information using Filter Results gadget that lets you see everything in list form, but does allow you to add as many fields as you'd like to see. Or break it down by 2 specific fields with the Two-Dimensional Filter statistics gadget.
I hope this helps.
Hi All, i see this community brimming with users and hopefully can get my query answered!
I would like to know if there is a way to enable customer notifications ONLY when the customer submits issues from the customer portal. For all requests sent via email i do not want them to get any customer notifications.
Thank you
@Jay Joshiif any changes they will need to be made at the notification scheme and workflow events.
Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I had tried looking into this area earlier but wasn't able to wrap my head around it! I will look into it once again and see if there could be possibilities! I would have expected a more straight forward approach. Anyhow, appreciate your comments.
Let me know if you need any additional help! I can look into your workflow and give some suggestions.
Hosting : Cloud
My level : Jira novice
Problem : I've recently acquired Jira admin duties at our company. 62 groups were already set up & I don't what they do, so consequently I don't know when to use them. I can't find any group explorer functionality within the system or in any 3rd party add-on. How do I reveal their configuration?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If there isn't a nice way to do this, then please also let me know.
Same question posted a while back
there is no easy way to achieve this. I have wanted something like this for awhile now. I found an old suggestion that discusses this and ultimately was closed indicating it wasn't to be done. JRASERVER-19825
There may be more recent requests you could find/watch/vote or you could open a suggestion.
Thanks Jack ;-)
It's good to finally know this fundamental functionality is actually missing & at the same time really disappointing they don't plan to implement it in the foreseeable future!
I guess the next question is, can we do anything to get them to change their minds and make it a priority?
Motivation: The requirement is fundamental because over time new people will replace existing administers and hence will painfully encounter this problem. ...New user request sure, now which group(s) do I need...->No idea, aaarrrgh!
I need to do a report with SLA's time for first response and time for resolution. While using filters and creating the report, I incorporated the two fields of "time to first response" and "time to resolution" as columns but the values do not show up.Dont know where i am going wrong. Need some help.
Did you try start date and end date instead?
Hi Fadoua,
We have set the calendar to include 9 hr weekdays and excluded holidays. So if we download the start and end dates , we still cannot get the accurate number of hours between those two date/time after considering the weekends - that turns to be a bit complex for me in csv formulas. How do you suggest we get the time elapsed for first response and time elapsed for resolution from the start and end date/time considering the weekdays and the holidays.
Any imputs will be valuable. I thought that this would be a simple report since it would be required by most customers using JIRA.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Kartik,
Let me run some testing in my dev environment and I promise to get back to you.
Can you customize the following screen?
Hi Fadoua,
Thanks a lot for the direction..
Yes I have authorization to do that. I checked and feel like we are very close. If I click on the detailed list on a day, I can get what I want and download the remaining time in CSV. Trying to find out a way where I can get all the detailed version directly (not having to click on each line) and that will help me get the report I need.
Best Regards,
Thank you for organising this!
I need to plan deplyoment and maintenance in a professional environment. For JIRA, I haven't found the (linux) package repositories yet. On the website, manual installation is all I saw.
Where are standard-based update packages (.deb, .rpm) of JIRA to be found?
Hi Jo,
What's your Actual version? Which one are you planning to upgrade to?
Currently using JIRA 7.4.0 (and Confluence 6.2.3) in small instances for evaluation, intended to grow.
I'm not referring to a single update or upgrade, but the general update/upgrade path. For calculating the TCO, I am looking at the maintenance effort cost.
Professional software usually has repositories or containers which can be added to the host/package manager, so updates can be applied semi-automatically or automated.
I haven't found these for JIRA (or Confluence) yet; so I'm asking for this information I've missed.
As far as I know there aren't any packages for automated install/upgrades on Linux servers. Our AWS engineer tried to do it using code puppet but it was a failure
Why cant we bulk edit + clone sub tasks in JIRA... Its really a pain when we cant do that......
How do we add a custom "from" address in JIRA Service Desk cloud instead of @ourcompany.atlassian.net?
Project Settings -> Emails Requests -> Add an email address
Hi Fadoua, do I have to add an email address in this way, such as POP etc? We are currently forwarding email from multiple incoming addresses to our service desk project@company.atlassian.net. Is there no way to set a reply address other than adding an address?
Also, our outgoing mails and comments are set to mail from "User (JIRA)", but this doesn't seem to apply to service desk, is this general setting only for JIRA Cloud not Service Desk?
Hi Ross,
let me run some tests in my dev environment and will get back to you.
Why didn't JIRA integrate any support for testers(test flows etc) in its application? Ofcourse we can use Zephyr and other testing tools but I believe there should be minimum viable testing flow in the JIRA itself.
Assalamu alikum Muhammad,
You can import a workflow from the Atlassian Marketplace to your instance (check them I think I saw one or even more for QC or QA
why do you keep doing this
Hi Chris,
Anything you need help with?
Hi is there an addon or a way to automate daily backups for Jira Software self hosted? I tried using an a rsync script to backup a postgres database but the postgres dump utility corrupted Jira.
Hi Ricky,
Can you please give us a brief idea about your self-hosted instance? (i.e. ours is on AWS, we have JIRA behind an ELB, attachments are sitting on their own directory so that if something goes wrong we can start a new instance right away and connect it to the attachment directory. We have a very simple script that runs the daily backups).
Hi Fadoua,
I saw your post and was wondering how to perform this action, we have our Jira aws instance which is sitting behind elb, and we want to automate the daily backups for our jira software. Please let me know if there is any documentation on this.
I want to know how to do timeline in JIRA like microsoftproject but for sprint so I can see what is tasks ( associated US) should be finished today , tom after tom ...., without using any paid plugins
Hi, whats the new UI all about, how will it help us to improve our productivity or formatting of gadgets , previous UI was clear in showing the title in bold and colored format, with grid lines and bold numbers and text to see
New UI seems like a plain gadgets and features are same as old UI
i am attaching both the samples
Please advise about the new UI and any new features, also please provide if there are any documentation of changes from old UI to new UI
@raghavendra.bn, you may wish to view this article . For me most of what the UI is about is a cleaner look. There are some nice features that I think are only available in the new UI, e.g. on boards they have provided drop down quick filters. As w/ most big UI changes you will have lots of opinions on the old vs. the new. Certainly for me I struggled a bit w/ the change but I have overcome these and am overall very pleased. There are a few things I would really like to see return or be improved but nothing critical. For sure I like the cleaner look&feel. IMO. :-)
Hey, Everyone! I'm new to Jira... like 3 days new. I have to learn and then implement Jira/Confluence for our business teams, starting with marketing.
My question is... can a Workflow State have a role-based condition which could kick-off another workflow specified by the role working on that State?
so is this possible:
IF State 1 could be performed by multiple Roles, THEN IF Role A picks up the job they will see a workflow designed specifically for their role. IF Role B picks up the job they would see a different workflow based on that role... so on and so forth.
Morning Sal,
Welcome to Atlassian World!
I don't think what you want to do is feasible with workflows.
You can have different workflows for different issue types. Meaning if issue type A is selected then Workflow 1. If Issue Type B is selected then workflow B,.....
Thanks for the warm welcome!
That's interesting... So I could potentially create Issue Types which could have a mapping/meaning to Role Types....
Issue A = Role 1
Issue B = Role 2
So the workflow I need for Roles, I would just assign those to Issue types?
Is that right?
(Is this feasable for Jira Business Projects?)
Yes you can assign workflows to issue types. It works for Business and Software projects
Issue Type A -> Workflow 1
Issue Type B -> Workflow 2
Let me ask you please are you using JIRA cloud or JIRA Server?
If it is server which version? so that I can send you a link to some basics in JIRA you will need to know.
It's actually cloud edition.
I've been researching but everything I'm finding on google, YouTube, and even the community seem a bit out-dated (2014-2016) unless there haven't been significant updates?
Is it in any way possible to invoice through Jira Cloud? our a applikation to Jira cloud? I can't seem to find any solution to this.
Using CPanel can you create multiple forwarder email addresses with a csv import? I have over 70 people to create forwarding email accounts for.
Thanks, Surj
Hi everyone,
I'm a Jira novice here and would love to know what sources (forums, websites, communities) are usually useful to you when you need to look for some information to improve the process in Jira.
For example, if I'm searching for some tools for better communication in my team, where should I start with?
Thanks guys!
Hi and Welcome. I usually use this community and developers discussions to find solutions for our Jira instance.
Googling for related questions generally brings me here.
@Julie Vu [Beenicon] you can always ask a question using this link and it will be created in the New to Jira space. Asking for advice on communication tools is a great reason to create a new question and I know you'll get a ton of help!
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