Create a page that contains a table of incidents with within JIRA with edit editable fiels

Remi M January 12, 2018

Hello all,

Is there any way you can build a table with all the Incidents recorded in JIRA that has editable fields ( more like a re-arrangement of the fields that you see for one of the Incidents so that you have them all on one page and it's really easy to edit the fields)? 

If so can you point me to the link/training on how to do it?


e.g. of a format:

Header: Cr Nr | Service | Key      | Description           | Comments 

                 1    | DATA    | inc-10  | Issue happened... |  Team identified

                 2    | VOICE   | inc-20 | Detected the fail... XXSJIasa

And the cells like Serice/ Description/ Comments are totally editable. 

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Jack Brickey
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January 12, 2018

There is no native way to accomplish this and I’m not sure there is even any add on that would present that solution. It’s almost like you want something excel-ish with an update button when done changing things. 

Remi M January 12, 2018

Hi Jack, 

Thank you for getting back to me.


Yes, that is exactly what I want to have a page that has that excel easiness to fill in data.

Thank you

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