scriptrunner nested query for epics and each epic's stories

Kelvin Yang November 12, 2019


Current issue structure:

Epic (aka Feature) 


I want to use a nested query w/ scriptrunner to search for Epics and each epic's stories. Structure plugin isn't an option and issueFunction in issuesInEpics("issuefunction in epicsOf(\"portfolio = digital\")") only returns the stories. I want the search query result to return in Epic and followed by its user stories. 


Not sure if this helps but I sudo-coded the following for what I want to accomplish: 

search_result= []
def Digital_Epics = issuefunction in epicsOf("portfolio = 'digital'") AND fixVersion is not EMPTY ORDER BY fixVersion ASC, project ASC

for e in Digital Epics:
   def Storylist = query result of (Portfolio = Digital AND issuetype = Story AND "Epic Link"       ="{e}" AND fixVersion is not EMPTY ORDER BY fixVersion ASC, project ASC, "Epic Link")

    for story in Storylist:

return search_result



Any suggestion or solution to this? Thanks.

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