"Project Import" option is missing

Rick Rockhold February 7, 2019

I'm trying to restore a single project from a backup, as described in https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver074/restoring-a-project-from-backup-881684008.html?_ga=2.177264672.409238976.1549560936-1549070442.1537483454#Restoringaprojectfrombackup-projectimport.


However, the "Project Import" link isn't showing up under "System/Import & Export".


Any ideas?

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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
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February 7, 2019


Project Import is available only for Server/Data Center

Rick Rockhold February 7, 2019

That's unfortunate. Is there a way to migrate a single project from one Jira cloud instance to another?

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Joe Pitt
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February 7, 2019

Check the marketplace. I know there is a plugin, but it may not work in cloud. 

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