"Filtering" the drop-down list of users for assigning a user to an issue

Kjetil Wangen Karlsen
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October 19, 2011


We are a big organization with many users of Jira, and whenever I like to assign users to issues, I have to browse down the huge list of possible assignees. The risk of errors is huge, and the user experience is low.

What I want is to be presented only for the users that are assigned to my project, and since they are already defined, I thought it was a small issue to arrange. It’s apparently not a small issue for me.

Any suggestions for some solution?

Kind regards


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Rising Star
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October 19, 2011

You need to look at your permission schemes. The list of possible assignees is taken from the Permission "Assignable User", in your permission scheme.

Typically, in there would put the project role "Developers". Then you manage your project roles so that only those people directly involved in the project are in the developers role.

I suspect you have the group "jira-users" in your permission scheme, or jira-developers or something.

Kjetil Wangen Karlsen
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 20, 2011

Thank you! A simple answer that gave a huge effect.

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