problem in finding my not logged issues by worklogauthor in jql

hamed yaghoubi October 3, 2017


I tried to find my not logged issues by this jql query:

(assignee = currentUser() OR "Pair Assignees" = currentUser()) AND (worklogAuthor != currentUser() OR timespent is EMPTY)

but the worklogAuthor Function, only finds the first user who has been logged in jira.

for example if we have more than one record in worklog table for an issue:

-User1 : 2h

- User2 : 4h

this query cant find the User2 as a logged person, cause the worklogAuthor function only finds User1 as a logged user.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2017

Hi Hamed,

I believe you're running into a rendition of the bug listed in JRASERVER-60022.  It is a bit different from what you're reporting:


Multiple users (A, B and C) log work on an issue (i.e ABC-1) and then, user A runs "worklogAuthor != A" on Issue Navigator.

Current Result

It returns all issues where other users have logged work including ABC-1 where user A has log worked too.

What version of JIRA are you using and are you using any time related plugins, e.g. Tempo?



Admin January 23, 2019

I have the same problem in trying to display if the current user has not logged any time in the current sprint:

status = Done AND assignee in (currentUser()) AND sprint in (openSprints()) AND (worklogAuthor != currentUser() OR timespent is EMPTY)

It returns an issue where both the current user and another user have logged time using the built-in JIRA worklog even though TEMPO is installed.

So this might be a logical solution but it of course does not work as there is no "worklogAuthors" field:

status = Done AND assignee in (currentUser()) AND sprint in (openSprints()) AND (currentUser() IN (worklogAuthors) OR timespent is EMPTY)

What we actually need to do logically is find out if one of the users that logged time is the user to be checked. I assume this does not work with "worklogAuthor != currentUser()" because it is not an "in" query and thus does not return the expected result.

Sajan Kumar Devarakonda March 29, 2019

Hi, If I log work on an issue, and it'll not show up in JQL search results, I'm running below query
worklogauthor = 'username'

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