not able to receive verification email

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May 12, 2024

Hi I registered an account with an email address on March 11, 2024. By then I was able to receive verification email. On May 1, 2024 I received the last email from

Recently when I want to log into Jira with this email address, it asked me to check my inbox to log in: To complete setup and log in, click the verification link in the email we’ve sent to.

But I don't receive any email in the inbox or junk mail.

I searched other similar questions and contacted the administrator of my organization. It turned out that other email addresses can still successfully receive the email from Atlassian, which means that Atlassian's servers are not being blocked by the organization.

Can you help check the reason of my email address not being able to receive verification email from Atlassian? Thanks.


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Mohanraj Thangamuthu
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 12, 2024

Hello, Good day. We need to check your email logs to identify the issue from the backend. Please create a ticket with our team with your email address. Thanks

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