multiple user directory with same users

maarten breesnee January 3, 2019


we have 5 user directories.  (in following order)

uk active directory

ds active directory

us active directory 

open ldap

internal directory.


if a user has an active account in the internal directory but in inactive account in the uk active directory,(same username, this is what I found out with the simpel sql query select * from cwd_user) but via the UI I can't see the active internal directory user. Does it count against the licence?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 3, 2019

The system reads the directories in the order you put them in the directory list.  Once it finds a user or group, it stops, and will ignore duplicate entries in directories below the one it found a user in.

So, if you had say "nic" in ds, us and internal, everything will see "nic" from ds, and completely ignore the other two.  If you deactivate "nic" in ds, then nic will not count towards your licence (or be able to log in), irrespective of the status of nic in the other two.

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