monospace/code formatting for description field text in automation rule not working

Marcel Rossouw May 9, 2024


I've written an automation rule that writes specific requirements in the description field - highlighting certain 'code' lines using the monospace formatting. The Wiki editor of the description field front end calls the formatting 'code'. When I use the backtick `to surround the intended words in the automation rule, it does not apply the markdown. It merely surrounds the text with the `. The specific code lines starts and or ends with a special character so I went as far as applying the escape \ but that still does not apply the intended formatting when the automation runs. If I manually enter the backticks on the description field of the ticket afterwards, it applies the monospace/code format.

What do I need to add in the description field within the automation rule to get this to show correctly in the Jira ticket?


<repo name>

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 16.37.59.png

To apply the monospace / code formatScreenshot 2024-05-09 at 16.33.36.png

3 answers

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 10, 2024

Hi @Marcel Rossouw 

Please try using the {code} formatting notation in your rule:

If that does not help, please post an image of your complete rule and audit log details showing the rule execution.  Those may provide context to help explain the symptom.  Thanks!

Kind regards,

Marcel Rossouw May 10, 2024

I tried that too however it is a code block with line numbers and not what we require - we merely require the monospace/code formatting on specific text between other non formatted text, applying the {{code}} is the same as surrounding the text with 3 backticks '```'.

When applying the single backtick for monospace, all it does is render it like this in the description field:


I also then receive a successful completion of the ticket automation in the audit log. The audit log below is me testing to add it to a ticket after the fact as I don't want to recreate a new ticket and fill in the description field each time - either way, adding to the description field is the same in create or edit an issue
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 17.09.49.png
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 17.04.34.png
And this is what it does on the ticket itself (i've just redacted the actual description field for IP reasons. If I manually go and add those backticks to that text, the moment you add the last backtick, the monospace format is applied but only on the front end of the description field not via automation rule.
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 17.11.43.png

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 10, 2024

Sorry, I am out of ideas on this one.  Perhaps ping the support team to learn what they suggest:


In my experience, not all Description field macros / formatting can be done in automation rules.  My hypothesis is there's more information "behind the curtain" which we do not have access to modify with automation rules and / or the smart value parser takes precedence over the markup parser.

I also tried the {noformat} and {{monospace}} ones, and I found the first works the same as {code} (adding line numbers now) and the second no longer works with the "new issue view".


Marcel Rossouw May 13, 2024

Thank you Bill, I'll log a query.

0 votes
Marcel Rossouw May 10, 2024

Hi, any insight you could perhaps provide me here? It would greatly be appreciated!

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
Community Leader
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May 9, 2024

Moving this to a Jira forum.

Marcel Rossouw May 10, 2024

Hi, @Bill Sheboy any insight you could perhaps provide me here? I would greatly appreciate it!

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