lock file in stand alone installation

tom craig
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July 7, 2011

in the stand alone version how am I to create a evaluation password.

then when you find that the machine must connected to the open internet to get a code, then install completes.

until I go back off net and find that the error *unable to create and acquire lock file c:\ blah blah

your seggestions are welcome

2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 7, 2011

Er, first, you don't need to connect Jira to the internet to get a code. You just need to go to Atlassian's site and generate a license key - you can do that on any machine, and then put it into your Jira via the usual browser. Jira itself doesn't use the connection at all.

"Unable to create and acquire lock file" tells you that there's something wrong with your system. You may have tried to start Jira again, while there's one already running using that data directory, or you've got something wrong with the home directory. Check the permissions on the directory - the Jira user needs full access to it. Also, consult your logs - your "blah blah" probably contains the actual reason for the error

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Gerardo Garcia
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August 9, 2016

I have the same problem while trying to update Bitbucket Server. Any idea of what it is?

Im on windows server, and after stoping Bitbucket and installing the new version I saw a .lock file left in the home directory that I can't delete and change owner. This might be the problem but don't know how to solve it 

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