jql query for issues in sprint

Tom_McKenzie July 29, 2015


I'm trying to figure out the query to get the issues in a sprint on a date

I tried sprint = 14 AND status was not EMPTY on "2015/07/03" ORDER BY key ASC



But it doesn't return issues that were in the sprint on that date.

Is there another field I can use that supports history?  It doesn't work with the sprint field.

Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 11.18.59 AM.png

Note we are trying to build a burn down chart with multiple status so we can see the stories that verified

Our work flow is to do => in progress => verified (on staging) => deployed (to prod)

Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 11.44.32 AM.png

So our burn down tends to have the cliff at the end of the sprint.




3 answers

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Peter Jones
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July 30, 2015

A new status, call it Never-Use, could be created.


The query becomes

sprint=14 and status was not Never-Use on "2015/07/03ORDER BY key ASC

This should work.

Update: This query, like EMPTY, always returns 118 stories regardless of the date. Looks like 'NOT' does not behave as expected here.  Looked good in theory.

sprint=14 and status was not Backlog on "2015/07/03"


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Andre Borzzatto
Atlassian Team
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July 29, 2015

As Nic mentioned this, unfortunately, can't be done.

Perhaps using Script runner or something similar it would be possible to get this information, but since none of this add-ons can be installed, or are available to JIRA Cloud, there's no way to get the results you want.

Hope this helps!


Tom_McKenzie July 29, 2015

I guess we could run a query every day to grab a "snapshot" and total the points?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 29, 2015

I'm afraid not, the "was" function only works on a handful of fields, and sprint is not (yet) one of them.

Tom_McKenzie July 29, 2015

Maybe I could try pulling the history for each issue to see when it got added and removed from a sprint? That seems kind of "heavy handed" but I guess that would work?

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