jira.resource.issue object has no attribute 'fields'

Asaf Dinchman May 14, 2023

Hi , I using the following python code as infra :

from jira import JIRA
from qa_auto_infra_tools.Tools.Logger.SimpleLogger import logger
from qa_auto_infra_tools.Tools.SyncTests.SyncTestsToDB.Helpers.Properties import CommonProperties
import json
import os
import datetime

class JiraOperations:
custom_field_dict = {
"Rally Creation Date": "customfield_10134",
"Rally Created By": "customfield_10135",
"Rally FormattedID": "customfield_10136",
"Rally Project": "customfield_10142",
"Rally Feature": "customfield_10146",
"Rally Owner": "customfield_10147",
"Rally Parent": "customfield_10148",
"Product Name": "customfield_10035",
"Method": "customfield_10154",
"Reported On Version": "customfield_10108",
"Problem Origin": "customfield_10104",
"Closed Status": "customfield_10067",
"First Resolved Date": "customfield_10097",
"Jira ID": "customfield_10193",
"Path": "customfield_10160"

def __init__(self):
self.jira_properties = json.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jira_properties.json')))
self.url = self.jira_properties['url']
self.common_properties = CommonProperties
self.user_name = self.jira_properties['user_name']
self.password = self.jira_properties['password']
self.jira = self.init_jira()

def init_jira(self):

Returns: an instance of a JIRA object

return JIRA(server=self.url, basic_auth=(self.user_name, self.password))

def extract_issue_info(self, issue):
project = self.jira.project(self.common_properties.JIRA_PROJECT_KEY.strip())

issue_info = dict()
issue_info['TYPE'] = 'TestCase'
issue_info['TS_TEST_ID'] = issue.id
issue_info['TS_NAME'] = issue.key
issue_info['TS_USER_01'] = ','.join([tc_tag for tc_tag in list(issue.fields.labels)]) if len(
issue.fields.labels) > 0 else None
issue_info['TS_STATUS'] = None
issue_info['TS_RESPONSIBLE'] = issue.fields.creator.displayName
issue_info['TS_TYPE'] = getattr(issue.fields, JiraOperations.custom_field_dict['Method']).value \
if getattr(issue.fields, JiraOperations.custom_field_dict['Method']) else 'Automated'
issue_info['TS_SUBJECT'] = project.id # Should be Test Folder
issue_info['TS_LAST_UPDATE_DATE'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(issue.fields.updated.split('T')[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
issue_info['TS_BUG_IDS'] = None
issue_info['TS_CREATION_DATE'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(issue.fields.created.split('T')[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
issue_info['TS_DESCRIPTION'] = issue.fields.description
issue_info['TESTS'] = None
issue_info['TS_CLASS_NAME'] = getattr(issue.fields, JiraOperations.custom_field_dict['Path']).value
return issue_info

def get_all_tests(self, project_name, fields):
issues = []
issues_info = []
i = 0
chunk_size = 100
while True:
chunk = self.jira.search_issues(f'project = {project_name} AND issuetype = Test', startAt=i, maxResults=chunk_size, fields=fields)
i += chunk_size
issues += chunk.iterable
if i >= chunk.total:
for issue in issues:
issues_info += self.extract_issue_info(issue)
return issues_info

 when I execute my code I get:

raise AttributeError(
AttributeError: <class 'jira.resources.Issue'> object has no attribute 'fields' ('Issue' object is not subscriptable)

when I inspect the object in debug I see that indeed the object doesn't have those fields , only id , key , url as seen in pic


how do I extract all this info ?h

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