jira removed 'add as favorite' dashboard

Michel Marcoux
October 3, 2017


I've upgraded my Jira recently, and i just noticed that when we visit a jira dashboard created by someone else for the first time, there was a message on the top saying 'Add this dashboard as Favorite' .

In the new version of Jira, it seems that this message is not displayed anymore. Do you know why they removed that? it becomes a pain to add a dashboard in your favorite now, as you need to go to the dashboard search page to do it.


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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2017

Hi Michel,

I'm not sure I understand the problem here.  In my Jira 7.5.0 Server instance, when visiting a dashboard created by someone else for the first time, I still see a popup in the top right that explains this dashboard is not in your menu yet.


But if you click on the link there for "Manage Dashboards" it does actually add this dashboard to your favorites.  If you close that box without adding it, then I found even refreshing this board will still cause that dialog to appear again and again until you add it.

If that is not what you are seeing here then I'd be interested to learn more about your specific version of Jira and more details on your environment, the specific dashboard, and how that dashboard is being shared to other users.

sanna November 16, 2017

Can I remove the message without adding it to my favorites?

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