jira and sharepoint

Philippe Schram November 16, 2011


We are exploring the jira sharepoint connector. Some questions came out of meetings. As I don't find a clear answer on the web. I'll try here:

+When creating an jira issue from sharepoint is there a link back to sharepoint page available within Jira Issue.

+Is it possible to add a link to sharepoint page from Jira on existing issues?

many thanks for your help,


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Kinto Soft
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 23, 2012

Hi Philippe,

Regarding the second question: Since the JIRA 5 version, issues support external links. So you can link them to any url (including a page on SharePoint).

As you are exploring JIRA and SharePoint integration while tracebility between both systems is kept, then this add-on could also be helpful for you to link JIRA and SharePoint through documents with full traceability.



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John Chin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 22, 2012

Hi Philippe,

I notice there is third party plugin known as Connector for SharePoint and JIRA. Please give it a try. Kindly ensure your JIRA instance is able to compatible with the plugin.

Good Luck.


John Chin

Jennifer Zou May 26, 2017

Hi Chin,


The connector is not availble now. Is there any other sharepoint and jira connector?

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