inconsistent search screens appear for same search string

Eric Osman February 7, 2019


Notice in these two images that in both, I am filtering by the word "finalize" but in one image, Jira tells me there are 696 matches and in the other screen it says there are only 7.    Only one of these screens should be possible to get (see the secret below):

 7 matches.jpg696 matches.jpg


The secret is that I made one of them by typing "finalize" in the text field and TABBING out of the field, and I made the other by typing RETURN on the field.


I suggest JIRA perform the search as soon as I leave the field, regardless of whether I use TAB or RETURN.  That would solve the issue.


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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 7, 2019

Hello Eric,

Welcome to Atlassian community.

The fact is that JIRA will only return the issues based on the filter when you click to run the query, by clicking on the search icon or typing enter (Return).

If you type any query in the filter space and don't click to run it, it will keep displaying the issue results of your last search.

I must confess that I'm not sure on how the feature to run the query once you leave the field would improve JIRA functionality, however, If you think this would be a useful feature, feel free to open a suggestion with our development team in our portal:

Let me know if this information helps, Eric.

Eric Osman February 11, 2019

I guess you're saying suggestions go in a different place than here.  I'll try the link you gave.

But in short, yes, when we leave the field, the searching should happen.  The only time the screen should appear inconsistent is if we are still actively focused on the field and typing in a new search string.

Eric Osman February 13, 2019

ok I put in the suggestion where you said to.  Here's the link:

Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 19, 2019

Hello Eric,

I have edited the suggestion in order to give our developers a better and more objective understanding of your request.

Let's wait for their answer. :)

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