Hi, I am Jira new-bie user
- Want to do test data connection between Jira and other program(CATIA Magic).
- transform and deliver epic, issue, task into requirement using OSLC
- to do that, I tried installing 'OSLC Connect for Jira' provided below link
- select 'Try it free' in above link
- *.jar had been downloaded
- got key for license
- to install downloaded file to Jira, I clicked 'Upload app' in 'Mange App' as below picture
- then, it required 'descriptor URL' as below picture
- However, I couldn't find any information about descriptor URLs anywhere in the jar file I downloaded, and I couldn't find a guide to descriptor URLs on the Solidius homepage.
- So I am not able to install OSLC connect for Jira.
Can anyone help me with this?