how to hide component field during certain transition of the issue ?

Shamith K S September 27, 2011

i want to hide component field during certain transition of issue .

i tried document.getElementBy("#component").hide() and jQuery("#component").hide()

both didnt work. any other alternative ?

Does AJS helps here ?

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Hanumesh Jojode September 27, 2011

Rakshith, I am trying the same and i posted the same question yesterday but no luck, I was asked to use Behavior plugin instead of doing it through any scripting language. But i want it through a script. Lets see if anyone knows how to do it.



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September 27, 2011

The selector is simple enough, AJS.$("#components").parent().hide()

But you may have to do it slightly differently for floating dialogs. The point of using a plugin is there are lots of corner cases with dealing with the different form elements, and perhaps you want to make things mandatory, set values etc, not just hide them, then why not reuse something else. But entirely up to you.

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