how to get four level hierarchy in jira without using any add on

sujata Birajdar February 15, 2021

How can we get four level heirarchy in jira without using any add on , like initiative -> epic- > story -> sub task


As the  atlassian support will not avaiable for server version add on's.

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John Funk
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February 15, 2021

Hi Sujata,

I do not believe this is going to be possible without an add-on or other product. How would you expect to see the hierarchy in native Jira? 

sujata Birajdar February 15, 2021

in native jira , currently for agile projects we have epic, user story and then sub task.

but we are looking for four level hierarchy where we can either have initiatives or features and then epic user story and sub task.

but now since the server licenses are not suported , i think it is difficult to get an add on installed for the sever setup of  JIRA .

any idea on how we can have this four level hierarchy implemented in jira.

John Funk
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February 15, 2021

I don't know of any way you would actually be able to see the hierarchy if you added an additional one. In Jira Cloud you simply add a new issue type called Initiative. Then you link the Initiative to the Epic using the Linked Issues field and using a type like Depends or Blocks. 

But then it is the Roadmap tool that actually shows the hierarchy. Otherwise, it is just some linked issues. 

sujata Birajdar February 15, 2021

okay .. but for server version it is not possible correct t get an add on , as the support is ended

John Funk
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 15, 2021

You might look at something like Aha! I don't know if they would still be able to connect to Jira server or not. But worth looking into. They have an excellent product in my opinion. 

Henri Seymour _Easy Agile_
Atlassian Partner
February 15, 2021

Hi there @sujata Birajdar 

@John Funk is correct that visualising a fourth level of hierarchy won't be possible with Jira Software alone. 

While it's not possible to acquire a license for Jira Server any more, you can still install Server apps from the Atlassian Marketplace. 

"For all other Marketplace apps, existing server customers will be able to continue purchasing apps until February 2, 2023"

(Atlassian, FAQs about self-managed changesHow will the server end of sale affect my apps?; see also the timeline on Journey to cloud

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