how to follow epic_link to epic object in velocity script?

Dean Neumann
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May 10, 2021

I'm using the (Better PDF Exporter for JIRA Cloud) app to create Release Notes using the velocity template language.    An example is provided wherein an issue's CustomFields are iterated and the epic-link field value is used to display the name of the parent epic, like this:

#set($epicLinkCf = $customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Epic Link"))
#set($epicKey = $issue.getCustomFieldValue($epicLinkCf))

What I cannot seem to do is get the parent Epic's issue object so that I can then access all it's fields, like it's priority, assignee, status, fixVersion, etc.  Can someone please post an example of traversing the epic_link custom field to get to the parent epic, and then traverse the fields of that epic?

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