how to create a task in JIRA for multiple assignees

Дмитрий Азаров October 18, 2011

how to create a task in JIRA for multiple assignees

2 answers

1 vote
Beth Schaefermann
Rising Star
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October 18, 2011

It's generally best practice to have a single person accountable for the issue so that there is no confusion in expectations-setting and delivery.

If you have jira-admin permissions, you might consider adding an additional multi-user picker custom field to the screen assigned to the issue type that might be called "Additional Responsible Members."

Another, likely better, solution might be to assign a higher level issue, usually called a story, to the accountable team member, and then break it down into tasks, assigned to other responsible members of the team.

0 votes
Дмитрий Азаров October 18, 2011

Thank you Beth Schaefermann. Administrator rights are. The fact is that now that the task assigned to multiple assignee it just creates a few times with different assignee.Now they want this process to reduce to a minimum. Ready to when creating a new task to specify multiple assignees and set up different tasks for each of the selectedassignee

Beth Schaefermann
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 18, 2011

There may be a lot lost in translation. is one of the better tools for helping. It sounds like you might want to be creating stories and tasks using a template, something I am also looking to do. Right now, the only solution I can tell is cloning a story, which creates the story and tasks anew with the same assignees. Documentation on cloning:

I don't think my response directly addresses your need, but the translation is difficult. I'm sorry.

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