help us in creating multi level cascading field in jira using adaptavist Scriptrunner

Shamshuddin Althamash K December 20, 2018

Any suggestions or inputs will be of great help

we want to build a multli level cascading sect field with 4 levels/fields using scriptrunner

here each field contains more than 100+ options...

-->Filed "Organization" is associated with filed " Component "i.e. based on organization the options for Component should load .

--> Filed "Component " is associated with filed " Category " i.e. based on Component the options for Category should load 
— > Filed "Category " is associated with the ticket type i.e. based on Category value the options for "Ticket type " should load

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Aidan Derossett _Adaptavist_
Rising Star
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December 27, 2018

Hey there Shamshuddin!

You can configure this functionality fairly easily by utilizing a ScriptRunner Behaviour. With a Behaviour, you can implement logic on certain screens (e.g. the Create Issue Dialog) that (among other things) hides, unhides, or sets the options of your fields. You can see examples of manipulating form fields all over our documentation. I recommend checking those out to get a better idea of how you might go about using the available Behaviour API to accomplish your goal. :)

After doing so, feel free to ask me any questions and let me know if you need additional help in setting this up. :D


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