having issue with the report in resolved time in some queues

Nourhan Tarek June 16, 2024

when I download a report to see the resolved timestamp, it always appears as blank not having any data it happened 2 days in a row and the issue has not been solved yet how can I solve this issue 

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Walter Buggenhout
Community Leader
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June 16, 2024

Hi @Nourhan Tarek and welcome to the Community!

That would need more clarification, I'm afraid. When you say "download a report", what are the steps you follow. What report are you talking about? Do you see a value for resolved in Jira and not in the data export or is it something else?

Apart from that, when you're looking for a resolved timestamp in data exported from Jira, make sure that:

  • for the issues you're exporting a value has been set in the resolution field. If not, there will not be a resolved timestamp on the issues.
  • check if you can see a date in the resolved field in Jira itself.

Hope this helps!

1 vote
Nourhan Tarek June 16, 2024

Hi walter 

first, I don't use the report section in Jira I use something called a filter to go through it and export the report as an Excel sheet and I can't see the value of the timestamp in my report 

that's what I mean as you see the resolved is always appears as blank with no data and that's happened 2 days in a row 


0 votes
Nourhan Tarek June 16, 2024

@Walter Buggenhout

any answer for that? 

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