forbid an assignee to clear the assignee field

Florian January 4, 2019


is it possible to give users the permission to set an assignable User but not to clear the assignee (to EMPTY or not assigned)  when the current User is the actual assignee?

In the permission scheme it is only possible to set all or nothing.

I hope i could express myself clearly.


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 4, 2019

All you can do is make the assignee field mandatory.  That is the "all or nothing" I think you're talking about.

Florian January 6, 2019

Hi Nic,

no, that's not what i meant with "all or nothing". I mean to set the permission "assignable User" to the project-role "Service Desk Team".

Make the assigne field mandatory is not an option, because in this case i think the field has to be set directly when the issue's created.

Perhaps somebody has an idea to build a corresponding Automation-rule. I've tried it, but it doesn't seems to be able to set a corresponding condition. Unfortunatly i'm unfamiliar with smart values or/and regex.

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