filter for active objects

Dora Judith Martínez Vera April 22, 2024

Could you help me navigate this issue please?

I am configuring the assets and I created three fields of the active object time so that if the incident is about computers, phones or servers, the name of the person responsible is selected and the equipment that that person is assigned to appears.

Captura desde 2024-04-22 11-35-32.png

In that, the process is going well.
I created a filter for each button and I see that the equipment incidents are seen in assets but they are not fixed since I have to choose the filter every time I change from computer to cell phone or server.

Captura desde 2024-04-22 11-38-37.png

I tried to create a filter where the three fields were called but I have noticed that when I add the three no incidents appear and when I leave only one field these incidents appear.

filtro computadora.png

Captura desde 2024-04-22 11-44-16.png

My question is how can I create a filter that shares the three active object type fields?

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