difference between target, estimate, and actual

Consulente Atlassian
April 19, 2017

in JIRA Portfolio 2.0  The "themes" function presents a report that shows three pie charts. Respectively they are: target, estimate and actual. Taking an example of three types of customer experience issue, issue two types of support and two types of sales, each of the estimated duration of one day, I would like to understand how you interpret the pie "estimated". That is, if the job estimate remains to be done in total days of all the issue is not "done"?

Schermata 2017-04-19 alle 16.12.49.pngSchermata 2017-04-19 alle 16.07.16.png

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Walter Buggenhout
Community Leader
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April 19, 2017


I hope this extract from the documentation answers your question:Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 18.03.50.pngWhat the 'estimate' represents, depends on the estimation statistic you chose for your Portfolio Plan. If you selected time based estimates, this will be based on the original estimates field, if you selected story points, it will rather be the story points.


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