create a task into next sprint every 2 sprints

Andrea Enis Tedeschi
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December 9, 2024

My automation should create a taks every 2 sprints for some one to do something.

The only way I could think of making this work was to check sprintID using some algebric check on even/odd sprintID


i've set it to have

Trigger upon sprint start

Check smart condition value

{{#=}} {}} % 2 {{/}} equals 0

then create task into next sprint

is this approach any good?



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Trudy Claspill
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December 9, 2024

Hello @Andrea Enis Tedeschi 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

No, that is not a good approach.

Sprint IDs are assigned at a global level. Sprints may be getting created in Scrum boards elsewhere in your Jira system and each of those consume sprint IDs sequentially. Within a given board you don't get sequential sprint IDs specific to that board.

An alternate approach would be to put a keyword into the Sprint name to indicate whether or not it is the sprint that needs the task or does not need the task.

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