complete sprint button missing

Maria Savignano April 16, 2024

Suddenly, the 'Complete Sprint' button is missing from specific projects for certain users.

Can anyone help me? I have verified the admin sprint permissions, and they belong to the group that has the permission to administer sprints. However, they no longer have the possibility to complete the sprint.

As an administrator, I'm able to see the 'Complete' button on the Active Sprints menu.

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Walter Buggenhout
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April 16, 2024

Hi @Maria Savignano and welcome to the Community!

What does your board filter look like? Is it pulling in issues from multiple projects and - if so - how does it do that?

In the past, I've seen several cases where the board filter was "complex", meaning Jira cannot determine for sure what the scope of projects included in the filter might be. An example of such a filter might be:

Project in (A,B, C) OR assignee in (John, Freddy, Lucas)

The assignee part can literally include every project in your Jira instance. In such a case, users need the manage sprint permission across all projects in Jira, which often is not the case. And then the complete sprint button tends to disappear for certain users.

Hope this helps!

Maria Savignano April 16, 2024

Hi Walter, thank you so much for your help! In the filter, other projects were included and they didn't had permission to manage sprint in those projects.

Thanks a bunch!  

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