cloning issue automatically while changing its status

shikha sharma December 20, 2018



I want to clone an issue automatically when i change its status e.g. in progress to done. so the issue get automatically clone to all the affected versions mentioned in that issue/ticket. Also i am using clone plus for Jira. Can anyone suggest how this can be achieved either by plugin or any means.

Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.




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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
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December 20, 2018


You would need a plugin for it:

For example, you could use the Power Scripts add-on:

You could create the Sil post function for the required transition with a code like this:


This post function would create a clone for the issue, which was transitioned to the required status.

shikha sharma December 20, 2018

Thanks for your support i will follow this.

Can anyone tell that above can be done by using "create on transition for jira"?

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