can you create a "components" panel similar to the "epics" panel?

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April 12, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Using the backlog

We have a project with 8 major areas, all of which have large sections of work to accomplish. Components / Epics make sense for this, but we find that stories often relate to and effect several epics. However, stories can only be associated with one Epic.

Switching our use of epics and components - making the big 8 areas epics, and the sections within them components - would resolve this, but then we lose the nice planning tool that is the "EPICS panel" on the scrum backlog board. It would be awesome if there were a way to configure a new panel that can have the components of the project listed so that we could filter the sprint/backglog board by those easily, and see their completion status.

Is there any way to do this? (an illustration is attached below)



Thanks in advance!

3 answers

1 vote
Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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April 12, 2016

This is an often requested feature and would require a dedicated add-on conceptually, but I'm not aware of an official extension point that allows to add more panels there - please watch/vote/comment on the following issue to further raise Atlassian's awareness for this obvious improvement:


0 votes
Juraj Balasko
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July 8, 2019

we got the same request as OP, adding a custom panel (with issues based on a filter = business Epics)

0 votes
Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
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August 13, 2017



Would you be interested in building a plugin like this with us?

We've already modified Backlog panels as part of the Agile Board Filter


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I'm New Here
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August 24, 2017

I'm not really this kind of a dev, but I'm happy to discuss/contribute where possible & I'm pretty good at figuring things out.


Just so I understand here, the filter list you are referring to is the green and orange highlighted parts, and their ideal functionality is so that you can reduce the list of versions/epics in the flyouts to  just the relevant ones.

I like the idea. I'm curious how that applies to this issue that I've filed here about getting "components" to be a flyout that functions the same way as versions and epics. If you can explain how this ties into that, I'm all for helping you out with it.

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