can i Add a validation that any one of the specific labels should be filled to transit the issue?

Sunilkumar k June 26, 2024



I need to add a validation that validates whether the Labels field is filled with any one of the specific labels to transit the issue from new to InProgress.

Example : 

I have two labels labelA, LabelB while transiting issue from new to InProgress i want to add a validator that allows the issue transition from new to InProgress only if the Labels field is filled with label A or labelB .    if the labels field is filled with some other label then the issue transition should not be allowed.


How can I do the validation as mention above, please suggest.


Thanks in Advance ! 


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Maciej Dudziak _Forgappify_
Rising Star
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June 27, 2024

Hi @Sunilkumar k

If you are in a company-managed project, then instead of a validator, you can use two Value Field Conditions grouped with the 'any condition' setting.

If you require a validator, consider using a Jira expression-based validator. There are several options available on the marketplace.

We've developed the Jira Expression Validator as part of the free  Workflow Building Blocks for Jira app. The Jira expression for your case will be:

issue.labels.includes('LabelA') || issue.labels.includes('LabelB')

I hope it will help.



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