behavior module in Script runner in cloud

Hemanta Behera
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April 24, 2018

I want to update one filed based on value of another field. can behavior/scriptrunner  plugin be installed on jira cloud ? or is available only on server only.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 24, 2018

I'm afraid Behaviours are Server only, because of the limitations the Cloud Connect framework places on apps.

Ahmet Kilic May 10, 2020

Do you have any idea, how can I initialize a description depend on request type in jira service desk cloud?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 11, 2020

I think by "initialise", you mean "pre-fill content".   Two points on that

  • Do not do it.  Far too many people will just click through it and leave you with a useless set of data.  I am utterly utterly sick of people who default text into fields and then come to me two years later complaining that 80% of their issues are useless and have to be questioned.
  • On the bright side - there's no way to do it on Cloud
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Ahmet Kilic May 11, 2020

Thanks Nic for your worthy sharing;)

I also experienced but it is a customer demand and it makes totally sense under some circumstances. In my case, the customer want to speed up call demand process for a service desk project through template for a particular reason. Once it happens, they will use this. 

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