automation for Jira cloud how I can assign the reporter to a new issue

Deleted user April 15, 2020

I'm using automation for Jira cloud, I created a rule that creates a sub-task issue. I would like the reporter of the issue task to be copied as reporter also in the new sub-task created by Jira automation rule, can you please help me with an example ?

Schermata 2020-04-15 alle 15.00.12.png

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John Funk
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April 15, 2020

Hi Calogero,

Are you including the Reporter field when you create the sub-task? If so, what are you using as the value - you should select From Trigger Issue or something like.

Can you send a screenshot that expands the Create 1 sub-task portion?

Deleted user April 15, 2020

@John Funk I thank you, I had not seen the function to add the fields.

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