Xporter - How to set a custom filename for a template?

Yanet Morales June 12, 2020

Hi, guys!


Maybe this is a silly question but how can I set a custom filename for an exported file using a certain template? I mean, if template is X I want to do something like this:

Filename of the exported file will be ${Key}_someText_${CurrentDate}.file_extension

And I need to set the filename different according to the selected template.


Thanks in advance!

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José Domingues [Xray]
Marketplace Partner
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July 16, 2020

Hi @Yanet Morales 

It is not possible to set up a custom file name for Xporter's files. Nonetheless, We have this suggestion already reported in our backlog XPORTERCLOUD-311.

Best Regards,

Team Xporter

Mateusz Kaminski
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August 29, 2020

Any chance to have it soon (2-3months)? This feature is very useful and really missing.

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