Write Issues to JIRA backlog board using Python

Pranay Verma September 3, 2019

I currently have an excel containing Issue summary, issue description which I've stored in a Python dataframe. Is it possible to write the rows of this dataframe (basically the rows in the excel) into the backlog board?? 

For instance: My current project backlog issues are 26. And I've 7 more issues that I need to add to the board. 

Any help will be appreciated.



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jira guy
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September 3, 2019

If it's only 7 issues. Why can't you just do a csv import?


If you really want to use python, read the file and call JIRA rest api to create new issues. No point in doing all this. Just use the above method.

Pranay Verma September 3, 2019

Hi @jira guy ,

At the moment it's only 7, it'll get increased every week, since the primary use will be to run the script once every two weeks, to update the board. As I've already mentioned, the data is already in a dataframe. I've read some documentation about jira.create_issue, but I just need to know whether this is achievable or not. If yes then could you help with that.

Thanks and regards,


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