Workload Pie Chart gadget show no results for epics

Sarah Dougherty July 2, 2020


I'm trying to create a workload pie chart that shows total time spent/logged by epic. However, when I set Statistic Type to "Epic Link" or "Epic/Theme," the pie chart shows time spent, but no epics (the only "epic" that shows is "None"). I have plenty of epics and issues assigned to them, so I'm not sure why they aren't showing up. The chart works correctly when I change the Statistic Type to other types (like "Assignee").

Thanks for your help!

Sarah D.

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Andrew Morin
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July 2, 2020

Hi Sarah,

I have a filter that pulls in all the different issue types across two projects. When I configure it as shown below my Epics show up just fine. Are you sure you are bringing in the Epics in your query?

Annotation 2020-07-02 230017.pngAnnotation 2020-07-02 230047.png

Sarah Dougherty July 6, 2020

Maybe I'm setting up something incorrectly with my epics? I'm creating the chart for my Professional Services project. Here are the parameters I'm using and the results:

Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 10.48.31 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-07-06 at 10.48.12 AM.png

Per our roadmap, you can see that we have epics assigned (every task is assigned to an epic). We track time as well, which is why I'm using Time Spent, but even if use Original Estimate, I get the same results.

Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 10.52.52 AM.png

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