Workflow validator not working as expected

Srilatha Pokala May 30, 2017

I have configured a field as required in workflow validator. But i am keeps on getting below error when i submit...

Environment field is configured correctly in field configuration.

Environment is required. But it is not present on screen

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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May 30, 2017

I am assuming that you are using a validator that checks a field has a value, and not one that checks that the data has changed during the current transition?

That may affect how we solve this problem, but the core of the problem is the same - you've demanded a field from a user but not given them the chance to enter it. 

You need to have the field on the screen as well as the field configuration, so that the user can put data in it at the right time.


Srilatha Pokala May 30, 2017

Thank you for the reply.

Environment field is actually on the screen too.

I figured the issue is because of duplicate field names.

I see field (Environment - Wiki Style Renderer) did conflict my field Environment.

I did changed my custom field from Environment to Environments and Environments shows up as mandatory and i no longer see that error on submittion

Srilatha Pokala May 30, 2017

this seems like bug in com.googlecode.jsu.workflow.validator.FieldsRequiredValidator

This should have showed me 2 Environment fields at the first place

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 30, 2017

The add-on was written when JIRA did not allow any duplicate names.  Atlassian removed that a while ago, but are under pressure to put it back, as it's a total nightmare having fields of the same name.

Try renaming the "type" custom field, that should tell you if you have the wrong field on screen and in the validator.

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