Workflow change & issues (not) closed

Ronald Teune August 12, 2020

We recently changed our workflow from having two closed statuses (resolved & closed) to only one (closed), whereas in this team we used to put issues on resolved before. Now our historical data is gone; all previous sprint reports mention the 'resolved' issues as 'not completed'. Changing their status to closed does not seem to help.

Is there a way to fix this without adding the 'resolved' status to the closed column again?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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August 12, 2020

Sprints draw their information on what to measure from the boards that they are in.  On a board, an issue is "done" when it is in the last column of the board.

So, to make your issues "done", they need to be in a status that is mapped to the last column on the board(s) that display them.

Ronald Teune August 12, 2020

Thanks Nic, I understand that, and it's quite logical too. But what I didn't expect is that by changing the board mapping, I can change history. I would expect the historical sprint data (completed / not completed issues) to be immutable after close of sprint. However, the history seems to be dependent on the present board configuration, not on the historical one.

So, to phrase it in words similar to you, is there no other way to keep my historically issues issues "done" than to remap their statuses to the last column (except from riskfully manipulating the database of course)?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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August 15, 2020

No, because you are changing the rules on what is done and not done.

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Avinash Bhagawati _Appfire_
Community Leader
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August 12, 2020

Hi @Ronald Teune ,

Can you please check whether resolution is set for Resolved issues and also check whether Resolved status is mapped to board columns.



Ronald Teune August 12, 2020

Hi Avinash,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Resolution is set to Done. We removed the board column mapping, because we wanted to simplify our workflow; instead of having to choose either Resolved or Closed, we picked one. Company-wide default is 'Closed', so we switched to that from Resolved, for a few sprints in a row now. So now we have some sprints with 'Resolved', other sprints with 'Closed'.

Is there a way to keep historical data correct and keeping our column simple? Or is reverting to the dual Closed/Resolved in the final column the only way to solve this?

Kind regards,


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