Why is my gadget not showing proper info?

taelor toews September 11, 2019

I added the "created vs resolved" chart to my dashboard and I have lots of resolved issues but they are not showing on the chart. So I am basically seeing only red and no green.. does  anyone know how to fix this. I've done some researching and i'm not finding anything/understanding. 


Thank you!! 

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 12, 2019

How do you know they are "resolved"?  What are you looking at?

I ask because my guess is that you do not have the same idea of what "resolved" is as Jira, so while we may think an issue is resolved, we're not looking at what Jira is.

taelor toews September 12, 2019

I just thought if a task is completed that means it's resolved? ... 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 12, 2019

How are you defining "completed"?

taelor toews September 12, 2019

i'm not sure what you mean. Completed to me in Jira is when i've selected status of that task completed 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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September 13, 2019

You have answered my question, despite being unsure of what I mean.

You say that "completed" to you means you have chosen a status that shows that. Jira is, I am sorry to say, is more complex.  It looks at the resolution field most of the time, but if you have Software, it looks at the status of the last column of the board.

In your case, I think you have issues that have the right status, but your workflow is not asking people to set a resolution (or setting one for them), so your issues remain "open" in Jira's opinion.

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