Why is my date being imported incorrectly?

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April 24, 2018

I am trying to import issues into JIRA via a CSV file. I have a field called Date Created which is mapped to Date Created in JIRA. It has a date format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Which is currently set to 2018-03-16 11:00:00

When I import the file via the External System Import and confirm my date format as the above, I do not get any errors and JIRA states that the import has been successful. However, the date is showing as the 16/Jan/2018 11:00 AM.

So instead of importing March, it is importing January.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give.



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Rachel Wright
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April 25, 2018

Hi @ADMIN, you're right; those date formats are tricky! 

I recommend using the format that's set on your applications "Advanced Settings" page.  You can check yours by visiting:  Admin > System > General configuration > Advanced Settings (button on top right).

By default, those formats are:

  • d/MMM/yy
  • dd/MMM/yy h:mm a

Hopefully you can do a quick format change in Excel and then change back to .csv for the import.

Hope this helps!

Rachel Wright
Author, Jira Strategy Admin Workbook

Christine Nguyen May 11, 2023

@Rachel Wright  if I use the default d/MMM/yy, what the actual date will look like after loading into jira? 


Us there any details instruction that can help me format it on the csv file?


Thanks in advance 

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