Why do fields that I removed from the default screen appear the browse screen?

Nicole Gosling April 3, 2012

When I click on an issue under 'Assigned to Me' on the Dashboard the issue opens up (screen name?) and the URL is https://bbdmat.atlassian.net/browse/MUP-8. On this screen there are three fields (Affects Version/s, Labels, and Fix Version/s) that I removed from the default screen. How do I remove these fields from the browse screen?

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Rising Star
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April 4, 2012
You can remove them by hiding them in the field configuration.scheme which is assigned to the project. Please check http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Specifying+Field+Behaviour but note that hiding fix version/s has an impact on reports (see link) and at least in Greeenhopper 5.7 it caused no issues to show up in the task board

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