Why am I getting a different STATE param on return from my OAuth auth request?

David Gifford October 16, 2019

My JS app calls for an OAuth 2 auth request our the docs  - something like: 


.get( 'https://auth.atlassian.com/authorize' )


.query('client_id=MY CLIENT ID')


.query('redirect_uri=MY REDIRECT URI')





The request returns a page containing JS code based on the Auth0 libraries.  When the browser finishes processing the page, it produces a response that contains this URL for the redirect to my redirect URI:

https://auth.atlassian.com/login?state=g6Fo2SAySldGUkZucnhFdk5WUThFVG1WLXhtUGt5X3RBRmJVRaN0aWTZIElqZ1lOdEtjUkkwb1M2bVZnNlFCLUU5UEFOM0FLUjhLo2NpZNkga1I2Q1Z3NzRGeGJIUDVqVG1Ka2xIeFljT2txWTZqQUM&client=MY CLIENT ID&protocol=oauth2&prompt=consent&audience=api.atlassian.com&scope=read%3Ajira-user%20read%3Ajira-work%20write%3Ajira-work&redirect_uri=MY REDIRECT URI&response_type=code

As you can see, this is a different STATE parameter, when the docs indicate it should be the same as the STATE I sent in the auth request.  What's going on here?  


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