Why JIRA rest api is returning 401 every time I generate a request from postman?

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July 3, 2019


I'm trying to make a call to JIRA rest api using the API token from Postman,
I have created the API token from API token,
Now when I send a request to,


with body

"auth": {
"bearer": "<my_token>"


it should return all issues, but in real it is returning a 401 unauthorized  error. Any help will be appreciated,

token is generated from the admin account.

3 answers

1 vote
Daniel Crouch July 3, 2019

Not able to answer this for you, but I am also experiencing this problem.

I had a stable integration running that has not changed but suddenly stopped working on Monday

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Chen Gao
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January 30, 2021

I also have the same problem on postman when I am trying to post a request to create a issue.  I am using the jira server version, not cloud. 

Headers: Content-Type applicaiton/Json, Authorization Basic encodeusername:api token. 

URL: http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue

Any idea what is wrong of my request? 

0 votes
Daniel Crouch July 4, 2019

Very oddly, I was previously calling the api with curl like this:

curl -v "https://mysite.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=project=ABC+and+issueKey+in+(ABC-123)&fields=summary" -H "Authorization: Basic MY-API-TOKEN"


Which was working fine until Monday, since which I have been receiving a 401 response.


Reading the official support documentation on the api tokens page (https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html) they advise to use your username and password colon separated on the user param e.g.:

curl -v https://mysite.atlassian.net --user me@example.com:my-api-token

This did not work for me.


Further reading (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/JIRA-Rest-API-authentication-always-returns-401-unauthorized/qaq-p/187181), advised the approach is to use your username and password colon separated and then base64 encode it e.g.


This base64 encode is (using https://www.base64encode.net/):


Therefore the curl request would then be:

curl -v "https://mysite.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=project=ABC+and+issueKey+in+(ABC-123)&fields=summary" -H "Authorization: Basic bWVAY29tcGFueS5jb206TVktQVBJLVRPS0VO"


And this worked for me.

Daniel Crouch July 4, 2019

With using Postman, all you need do is in the Headers tab, create a `Authorization` header with value `Basic encodedusername:apikey` e.g.


Screen Shot 2019-07-04 at 09.06.53.png

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March 28, 2022

Basic has been deprecated. You need to use another authentication mechanism, but the real question was related to the Bearer token, I am facing the same issue. Any luck here?

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