Why I getting error during extract zip folder?

Naveen Kumar Jain
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October 3, 2011


I download the jira source code and also .exe software file.

I do not know how can I deply complete jira project on my server? and also when I try to extract downloaded jira source code, I getting error about file missing.

Please provide me suggestion and best solutions.

Thanks & Regards,

Naveen Kumar Jain

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 3, 2011

For a server, see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Installing+JIRA+Standalone (Assuming you want a simple off-the-shelf, working server with a few easy steps).

For the source code, no idea. What file does it say is missing? What are you getting? Have you tried re-downloading it? While file exactly did you download? What are you doing this on, Windows or a real operating system? (Bear in mind only people with a license can see the source code downloads)

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