Where are Forms received after stakeholders' submitting them in team managed prj's

Dimitar Chernev November 29, 2024

I like the new Forms feature in team managed projects and created some but after testing submitting one I do not see it neither in the backlog nor in service management project that is set up for the same project. Where is it supposed to be stored?

2 answers

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Prachi Bolar
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 1, 2024

Hi @Dimitar Chernev 

Welcome to community :) 

I understand you are able to create forms but unable to see it in the project backlog

So forms are nothing but a medium to collect information and capture work from other teams or stakeholders.

When you create a form from the left panel it wont be available in backlog etc, it would be only present in the form tab itself 

You can then share this form with others to be able to fill it and collect information 

Please find more details here  : https://support.atlassian.com/jira-work-management/docs/what-are-forms-and-what-can-they-do/

Thank You,


Dimitar Chernev February 6, 2025

how do stakeholders access them though, in service management you get a portal; what is the story with jira software projects?

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Jehan Bhathena
Community Leader
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November 29, 2024

Hi @Dimitar Chernev ,

Is this a Team-Managed Software project or Service Project?

Forms behave differently in both situations, can you perhaps share an snapshot of how you've configured the form? and which request type/issue type it links too.

Also, would suggest using the "All Issues" view instead of Backlog view, since the backlogs are filtered, while the "All Issues" gives you better control over the issues you can view.

Dimitar Chernev November 30, 2024

Thanks, dude. I will try that. Do you have more of a precise answer?


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