When moving an issue from one project to another, why the assignee is not changing?

Ningning Tao February 7, 2012


I was expecting the assignee of the issue can be changed to the default assignee of the project or the component that I specified during the transition, but it didn't change.

Is there anyway to automate this?

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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
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February 8, 2012

Answering the question, JIRA doesnt do that. If you're doing many issues, you could bulk change the reporter to start with, then do a bulk move, which I now notice IS supported, thats two steps, a lot better than one by one

- http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Modifying+Multiple+%28%27Bulk%27%29+Issues#ModifyingMultipleBulkIssues-bulkmove

Ningning Tao February 8, 2012

I would like to use the components for assigning, if it's impossible, at least if it's possible to define a custom field to do it. I can't ask people to remember the names of a responsible person at the time, and that's why we need this one to one mapping to change the assignee automatically.

It's not for one time changes to many errrors, but one by one when they need to be changed.

Any good idea?

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