When an automation triggers another automation, what is the exact moment it is triggered?

Jonathan Porta January 10, 2025

I have a rule in which I want to assign the issue based on a field Customer. As the configuration is quite complex, I would like to keep this rule separated from the rest.

In parallel I have a rule creating an issue in this specific project and setting the customer in multiple branch

Rule 1:

  1. On issue creation in First project,
  2. If Customer = "asdf"
  3. Assign to Somebody
  4. If Customer = "qwer"
  5. Assign to SomebodyElse
  6. Notify the Assignee

Rule 2:

  1. On a transition in a JSM
  2. Create a new issue in First project,
  3. Set Customer to "asdf"
  4. Do the rest

My question is "At which moment is the rule 1 triggered?"

  • After the point 2 of Rule 2
  • After the point 4 of Rule 2

In fact it is a question about atomicity of rules...

Thanks in advance.

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Trudy Claspill
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January 10, 2025

Hello @Jonathan Porta 

I can't point at documentation for this, but Rule 1 should be triggered when Step 2 in Rule 2 completes.

Question: Is step 3 in Rule 2 actually a separate Edit action?
Suggestion: In the Create Issue action you can also set field values. You could set the Customer field within the Create Issue action rather than using a separate Edit action.

Question: is there anything from Step 4 and beyond in Rule 2 that Rule 1 depends on?

Question: Is there anything in Step 4 and beyond in Rule 2 that is continuing to rely on or modify the issue created in Step 2? If so, having both Rule 2 and Rule 1 depending on and/or modifying the same issue could lead to unexpected outcomes.


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