When adding Organization/adding customer to Organization

Yolanda Vega March 4, 2019

When an organization is created and customers emails are added, when a request is created in behalf of one customer in the organization do everyone in the organization:

Get notifications when a request is issued

Get notification updates that an issue as been update, resolved and or closed

Get notification update when a comment is added to issue


Or does everyone has to be added to that issue (shared)

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Claudiu Lionte
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 4, 2019

Hi Yolanda,

By Organization do you mean the one with managed accounts, where you have to claim a domain, eventually for using it with Atlassian Access for SSO?

If so, that does not influence the notifications, as these are dictated by the notification scheme of a particular project where you create the issue.

It could be that certain people are added in the notification scheme, no matter their relation with that specific issue (they can be neither the assignee nor the reporter of the issue and still get a notification if the notification scheme mentions them directly). Please see below a documentation article that explains how notifications work in Jira Cloud:


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