When I move an issue from the backlog to the sprint, it returns to the backlog

Luke Paverd April 23, 2019

Here is a video of the issue https://youtu.be/Shsuq6OiXBE


I have a project "EAG" and another project "BUG"

I recently updated the filter for the EAG board so that it would also show issues from the BUG project.

When I move an issue from the BUG project from the backlog into the sprint it says "Selection successfully moved" and then I refresh the page and the issue is back in the backlog.

Here are my settings for EAG board


2 answers

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Luke Paverd April 23, 2019

Figured it out, I went into the BUG project and enabled the Backlog and Sprints features and now it is working

0 votes
Roy Schumacher August 26, 2019

we are using v8.2.3#802003 and the issue is still present.


anyhing we can do?

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